Chris and Mark have now tabled their letter of opposition to the massive increase in housing being proposed on the Filton Airfield site with the housing total there going from 3750 homes to 6500.
The opposition letter is below. You can review the plans in full by going to the South Glos Planning Portal - https://developments.southglos.gov.uk/online-applications/
The application code is P22/02113/O
To whom it may concern,
We write as ward councillors for the Bristol City Council ward of Henbury and Brentry. We are the City ward most impacted by the development of the CPNN and so what happens in the Cribbs Patchway New Neighbourhood will affect our communities.
Despite massive concerns about the sheer number of housing being built, the huge impact of the traffic avalanche about to hit, the constant delays in important transport infrastructure (the train station delays are just one example) and the years of road disruption we have already suffered from our residents have been very patient and understanding of the need for more housing.
HOWEVER - what is now being proposed is sheer folly and complete madness.
YTL were originally given permission for 2750 homes. This was then increased to 3750 when the industrial estate (which was earmarked for 1000 homes) was no longer being brought forward. This didn’t fundamentally alter the housing numbers overall so we didnt oppose this reconfiguration of the development.
Now though YTL are seeking to increase the numbers again to 6750.
This doesn’t include the 3000 of so other homes already being built by other developers.
The reality is that this sheer scale will overwhelm the transport infrastructure of the entire northern fringe of Bristol and South Gloucestershire. The mitigations proposed are inadequate to meet the need - in reality we doubt any increase would be able to cope with the already constrained and at-capacity road network.
Highways England are clearly unhappy with the potential impact and we would echo those concerns.
Additionally the inclusion of two 30 storey high residential towers is completely out of character for an out of town location. This is not the city centre - it is a suburb of a major city. This would set a precedent that is unsuitable in this location.
We ask that the Council reject this application for reasons of:
- Unsuitable height of the proposals - specifically the 30 storey proposals
- Unsuitable density of development
- Lack of proper supporting infrastructure to mitigate the increase
- Cumulative impact of the wider CPNN on the Northern Bristol fringe